Backpackers Attitude
Here is our definition of the “Backpackers Attitude”… our travel philosophy
- when the Backpacker is on the way back home, she is already planning her next trip.
- the Backpacker hates tourists, while she kind of is technically a tourist as well.
- the Backpacker can walk for miles to save 5 euros taxi.
- the Backpacker runs away from her country as much as she can, but can’t stop talking about how amazing her country is when she encounters another Backpacker.
- the Backpacker takes her nail polish and her curling iron in her bag even if she knows she will never have the time to use them.
- the Backpacker spends hours reading reviews from other Backpackers on Hostelbookers and Hostelworld to be sure to choose the best hostel. Her number 1 criteria is the opportunities offered by the hostel to meet other travelers.
- the Backpacker spends all her local currency to buy beers on the last night of the trip, sometimes with difficulties in paying the subway the next morning.
- the Backpacker doesn’t like the rain but the rain likes the Backpacker.
- the Backpacker sometimes sleeps fully clothed to save time.
- the Backpacker no longer smells the perspiration odors emanating from her jacket, the only one she took on her trip.
- the Backpacker sometimes lives dangerously to save money and save time (she especially fears bus controllers).
- the Backpacker tastes all national specialties, including and especially the local spirits at 48%.
- the Backpacker takes the same suitcase for a weekend, a week or a month.
- the Backpacker awakes earlier after a big night out and goes to breakfast in pyjama to enjoy the disgusting breakfast from the hostel, just because it’s free.
- the Backpacker loves to experiment the most weird or embarrassing local traditions, like entering in a freezing cold lake in Sweden or being washed by naked local women in hammams in Morocco.
- the Backpacker can spend hours looking for a restaurant because it is advised by another backpacker or the Lonely Planet.
- the Backpacker takes everything in pictures with her camera.
- the Backpacker does not take what is strictly necessary to travel. Her bag is so full that she can’t buy anything during the trip because her bag may exceed the maximum weight. Her taste for compulsive shopping therefore requires sometimes to abandon stuffs on her way.
- the Backpacker often solicits the help of locals: to find her way out, where are the banks, what are the best places to eat …
- the night bus is the second home of the Backpacker. She learned how to sleep almost anywhere.
- the Backpacker wants to see too many things, so she prepares a crazy itinerary and ends up having to visit some cities at night.
- the Backpacker is sometimes on a tight schedule, so she must be ingenious to catch the last bus for fear of being stuck in a small village in Croatia.
- the Backpacker ignores criticism against her choice of destinations (which seems too dangerous to others), she prefers to verify the real danger on the spot by herself.
- the Backpacker is too girly ? false, she can survive two days without taking a shower!
- the Backpacker is always full of coins of foreign currency in her wallet.
- the Backpacker eats the street food and in local restaurants even if she has no idea what she is going to eat and knows she will have a hard time to explain to the waitress/waiter. But she knows that the street food is the best.
If you find yourself in our definition of the Backpacker, it means you are part of this big community of independent travelers on a budget who wants to do everything like the locals.
On this website, we give you our tips to avoid our mistakes, we share the most wonderful places we have discovered and we hope to make you save some time in the preparation of your trips
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juste quelques mots pour vous dire que j’ai visité votre site par hasard et que ,meme si je ne suis pas du tout Backpacker, j’ai beaucoup aime vos recits de voyage
je prepare un voyage au Sri Lanka et votre parcours ne fait que confirmer le circuit que j’avais prevu mais en circuit prive
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