Yesterday, I had a big shock after calculating my carbon footpring (calculate yours here). I realized I am one of the worst polluters in the world. In fact, my carbon footprint is almost 3x of where I should be to avoid climate catastrophe, and something like 5x the world average ! And all this is […]
Every backpacker knows Couchsurfing, Airbnb, TripAdvisor, HostelWorld or But there are many other websites that have the ambition to become the traveler’s best friend! I decided to start a series of 3 lists of websites and apps. I have grouped them according to their purpose: live a 100% local experience minimize your budget organize […]
Here is a list of Apps which we find very useful when traveling! Kind of the toolbox of the backpacker 2.0… TRIPADVISOR Do you know that it is possible to download before your trip simplified versions of some TripAdvisor city guides, including the maps, so you can use them anytime during your trip, even when […]
When traveling, a large part of the budget goes to public transport, either to your destination or to travel from city to city. But to reduce the maximum your budget, there are special ways to travel and some tips … Also read our article “Budget: 28 sites and apps to save and even make money […]
The magic of web 2.0 is that your predecessors have shared all their tips on the net. A great help, except that looking in this abundant content can quickly take you hours… So here is a selection of the best community websites or blogs. About traveling destinations Free worldwide travel guide Wikitravel is a community […]
The favorite Backpackers formula is Hostel, for its price but also for its extraordinary atmosphere. A big part of the success of your trip depends on your hostel. Some sites allow you to book it (paying only 10% in advance) and provide lots of information to help you make the best choice. Here are some […]
Whether to book a night in a hostel at the last minute, locate a nearby restaurant, get information about a work of art in a museum or simply let people know about places you visit, the high-tech backpacker can’t survive without his smartphone while traveling. Many applications and games have also emerged in recent years […]
The backpack is both the best friend and the worst enemy of a Backpacker. It’s an investment not to be taken lightly as it will accompany the Backpackeur throughout his journey! It must be practical (so that you don’t have to spend two hours to find your pajamas) and not to traumatize your back which […]
It is not always easy to think of everything when preparing your backpack for a trip. We always forget something. To forget nothing, here’s a checklist and tips. Checklist of things to take with you while traveling: Identity papers and airline ticket: it is advised to make a photocopy of your passport or identity card […]